Proposition 8 results

Proposition 8 results aren’t yet complete, and are still relatively close. However the proposition to ban gay marriage is ,at this point, predicted to pass. With 98% of the precincts reporting, 52% of the vote is yes for the proposition. (There is a little less than a 1,000,000 vote differential). The proposition 8 results have not been projected by CNN at this time, because there is still a chance that the proposition was voted down. Proposition 8 was supported by many ecclesiastic organizations, and was denounced by many wealthy corporations, and celebrities including Mrs. Young, Yahoo, google, apple, facebook, ebay. Both sides recieved huge contributions from supporting organizations.

At this time the Results for Proposition 8 show that it is likely to pass. The demographic of the vote is that those younger than 30 oppose propostion 8 2-1 while the majority of elderly voters voted yes.

I will update as soon as the results are for sure!

20 Responses

  1. Arizona’s proposition 102- banning gay marriage is projected to pass with 56% of voters determined to have voted in favor of the proposition.

  2. thats dissapointing and lame

  3. AMEN! No more liberal judges controlling conservative values. Finally marriage is safe from the ravages of the butt pirates and camel toe lovers. Say no to HEMORRHOIDS! Hopefully, this will stop the parasites from declaring their bedroom fantasies to the public. If your gay or lesbian I don’t need to or care to hear or know about it. Keep your pirate adventures in the bedroom if you so choose to stick it where the sun will never shine and develop severe case of hemorrhoids. If you so choose to defy the laws of nature and biology that prove no man should be with another man. The RECTUM is a repository for waste products of the human body and not an entry hole. If women didn’t exist I wonder if gays would have ever decided to stick their shtick in the pooh filled anal cavity. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the disgusting intercourse and inability for the parasites to pro create. Seek counseling, seek help, you can change, you can overcome your addiction to the same sex! Have hope!

  4. I think that Homesexual behavoir can be justified or condemned depending on where you stand in genetic science. Many scientists have determined that homesexuality is caused by genetics, meaning that the same drive that causes straight men to want to reproduce with women and love women, resides in homosexuals for the same gender.
    The difference of opinion usually is determined by differing religious views, and for that reason I see no reason for the government to ban gay marriage. Politically speaking, if proposition 8 passes, than we can see the people do fall more into the category of anti- gay marriage, but I still feel that government intervention on this religious ceremony is wrong.
    Gay marriage doesn’t do anything to any one except those getting married, why does it effect you if someone else gets married to some guy. Banning gay marriage is strange, and a very conservative approach to civil rights.

  5. At this time the polls are the same. The results should be absolutely determined tonight.

  6. Dear Dumbass Mr.Wade,
    Do you ever get tired of being an uninformed unfeeling white trash self centered piece of shit? you disgust me more than any one having but sex, more than priests raping little boys. people like you are the source of so much unjustified hate in this world . I hope one of your kids is gay so you can learn a lesson. My brother is gay and my parents had the same attitude as you growing up and it put him through hell to be able to tell them, and for a while they freaked out but they got used to it and realized that he is the same guy. My brother is the coolest person i know and if he loves some dude and wants to get make a serious commitment i think he should be able to get married. think before you say stuff like that in your life cuz you never know who you are going to offend and make feel like shit for who they are. and if anyone is the disgusting piece of HEMORRHOID covered rectum its you dawg..sorry. being an ass is not a sexy quality in anyone so im sure you dont get any pussy either, at least pussy that you dont pay for. Grow some balls and be man, stop being a whiney little bitch. ok?

  7. Gay marriage should never be legalized. Nuff said. Being gay or lesbian is SIN; clearly written in the Bible (Roman Chapter 1:26-28)

    “26. For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature:
    27. and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
    28. And even as they refused to have God in [their] knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;”

    If you are not a God fearing person or don’t believe in God, then nothing I (or anyone) said can change your sinful mind. Good luck. May God change your mind.

    • Save those scriptures for your children,
      There is a separation of Church and State, and for that reason I do not accept these passages as evidence for your political statement

  8. god and the easter bunny do coke with santa… old you? 9 wow…welcome to south…

  9. why is your username gimptastic?

  10. Why is your name sexycory? You obviously have a one sided opinion on this issue since it has hit so close to your home. Your brother being gay does not justify your brother having sexual intercourse with another man. There is no way that you can argue that a male and male human should have intercourse. It is biologically impossible. Man does not have the proper organs to perform intercourse with anyone other than the opposite sex. Additionally, the rectum is full of bacteria and germs.

    Your use of foul language and slander cleary demosnstrates your inability to cope with your personal issues and take a clear minded view on this issue. It also demonstrates your lack of and ability to clearly state your opinion. I should ask, “how old are you?” You speak like an angry teenager.

    First we reject, then we accept and then we embrace those things that are wrong. I see that your parents have done the same. I am sure they love him as their son but if he were my child I would never accept his actions but love him for his relationship to me. I cannot and will not accept homosexual behavior as normal or justifiable behavior. It is against and contrary to who we are as humans. Man and woman were made for a reason.

    Question: How many years can an island of homosexuals live?

    If you would ponder that question you would see that homosexuals also feed off heterosexual humans, they are in effect parasites, they require the host to provide something for their survival: bodies that they can sodomize.

    I am not spewing hate, only biological fact. Please respond in kind with a good reason to why homosexuality should be condoned. Love is not a rational reason, neither is religion, those are simply emotional attributes.

    Also, I would like to add to tsladeche’s comments:

    Homosexuality has never been proven to be a learned behavior nor has it been proven to be an inherent (born) trait. All studies have been for one or the other but no evidence has solidified to one side or the other. I would really like for you to quit saying science has proven something or other. Especially since you did not even bother to site the studies or the references to those studies. Basically, your talking out your a@@. Provide concrete proof if your going to say science has proven something, otherwise it is heresy.

  11. You either stand for something or fall for anything.

    That is why we say no to gay marriage. As morals and values slide and we accept and embrace what once was thought to be wrong and stand down our world begins it’s spiraling decent towards chaos and social decay.

    That is why people care so much about civil matters.

    I don’t want to have homosexual love shoved down my kids throat at school.

    That is why I say yes to Proposition 8.

    It isn’t just that they want to get married it is that they want to constantly stand up and say that they are minorities and that their rights are not the same as straight peoples rights.

    HOW IS THAT? They have the exact same rights as any straight man. They can marry any woman they want!

    Don’t embrace that which is wrong.

  12. To me the issue is one of semantics. The word marraige to a Californian is now defined as a union recongnized by society between a man and a woman. If the homosexual community wants a word to define a similar union between same sex partners, let them come up with an acceptible term. After all
    for the last generation the homosexual community has prided itself on being different. As for me when it comes to taxes, salary and job privileges, I don’t think there should be special dispensation for any couiple whether it be straight or gay. An unattached individual should have the same righs as one member of amy union.

  13. Proposition 8 has still not officially passed, however with 99% of the precincts reporting the vote remains at 52% to 49%.
    only a little more than 500,000 votes separate the bill, and the finale 1% should be reported soon.

  14. Do people who voted yes on this because they believe homosexual intercourse to be unnatural also pass on fellatio when offered by a woman? Just curious. Sounds like this Wade fellow would have to, based upon his reasoning.

    Also, based upon his reasoning and his answers to his own question, “Question: How many years can an island of homosexuals live?” One would logically presume, then – following this logic – that he believes barren women should not be able to marry either, as they would not be able to add more to the population.

    This is not my issue nor my cause. Those are just my quick thoughts to add to the discussion.

  15. In response to Wade:

    I’d like to point out that there is bacteria in all parts of the body. In fact, if you really want to get into details, I don’t know why any woman would be straight considering the penis is the same organ that men use to urinate with, doesn’t really strike me as incredibly hygienic. But perhaps you didn’t consider that when making your argument. Also your argument that a penis wasn’t meant to be inserted into a rectum may be valid but I’d also like to point out the breaking of the hymen when inserting the penis into a vagina for the first time. I would imagine that a natural reaction the tearing of tissue and blood generally being generated by this action would indicate something that is unnatural as well. Perhaps you should consider a different argument than the biological one that clearly isn’t working for you. And if you want to move on to other animals, it is a proven scientific fact that there are homosexual dolphins which are the only other mammals that have sex for pleasure and not just procreation.

    Also marriage is a man-made legal construct in terms of Proposition 8 and therefore should be treated as such. This would define it as a legal partnership between two people who intend to share their lives and property and legal standing in society with each other. If we are speaking in terms of legalities then this is absolutely clear as discrimination because you are excluding a part of the population from this choice. It smacks of the legislation that was passed to deter interracial marriages. Also I would appreciate it if you would not bring religion into the argument because this proposition does not discuss whether these people will be allowed to be married in any house of faith, that is up to their discretion, it is simply being recognized by the legal system as a couple.

    A closing thought from a sign in the Chicago Pride Parade a few years ago: “We didn’t get to vote on your marriage”

  16. The reasons behind supporting the ban of gay marriage seem very extreme. As I discuss this issue, many religious people will argue that allowing gay marriage will result in the deprivation of our society as a whole, as if its the last straw that, if pulled, will result in the end of American Prominence. They will often say that allowing homosexuality will automatically lower the rest of our standards, and more people would cheat, steal, kill etc.
    I feel that this argument is very inacurrate, and would suggest that gay marriage would not result in the end of religion as we know it, or economic dispair. Gay marriage is something that would allow men and women who are in love with ANYONE to get married to that particular person, whether they be the same gender or not. I dont know why in American history there has been this huge focus on legally defining marriage this way. Why do we care if a man marries a man, or if a man marries two wome, or if a women marries two men,, and so on? It should be up to those involved, not the government.

  17. And Wade, what you argued against sexy cory is the same bigotry towards gay people that we as Americans should not participate in. Gay people are people, just as you are a person. Come one Wade, why should we be so biased against some one for their behavioral choices, we allow smokers to get married, and have kids! Second hand smoke is scientifically proven to be bad for kids growing up. Gay doesn’t mean evil,, unless you bring religion into this!

  18. Wade: I am 56yo and have been gay since ever I can remember. It would have been 1,000x easier to be straight, let me assure you. I did not know I was gay until I turned 12 when puberty kicked in, and I started feeling sexual attraction to other human beings. Imagine my shock when I discovered that it was not for women but for men! Up till then I just assumed that like everyone else I would get married and have kids etc. Yet in my entire 56 year life I have never once looked at a woman and wanted to have sex with her, but when I look at an attractive man, I have an erection.

    I was brought up to be straight, my parents and family are all straight, my religious school taught me to be straight, all the theatre and literature I read was straight, no-one ever sexually molested me, yet I still turned out gay.

    You should not try to force people to marry someone they don’t love. That does incredible damage to the person they are forced to marry, and even more to kids who learn that while mummy loves daddy, daddy is not the slightest bit interested in mummy. That’s if they actually manage to have any kids, after all, the guy is gonna have to think about a man while he is having sex with his wife to be able to get hard enough to perpetrate the sexual act.

    It annoys me when heterosexual people such as yourself think you know so much more about my sexuality than I know myself. You have no idea.

    It cannot be changed. The problem is not homosexuality, the problem is fear and ignorance.

  19. Dear Wade,
    In response to your attempt to bash on sexycory you have made it clear that your level of intelegence does not surpass that of a 3rd grader. You have clearly absorbed what your religion and parents have told you and regurgitated it on this website. IF you could think for yourself you would not make statements so crass as to say sex between 2 men is biologically impossible. (If you do not believe this go to a gay porn website) also many heterosexual couples enjoy anal sex. (dont believe it again go look it up). Also just for your information because you obviously have not graduated from a biology class the vagina also has germs and bacteria in as does your mouth and the house you live in. As for your response to sexycorys foul language im tempted to use explitives myself after reading your post. As far as im concerned your response to loving your son but not loving his actions is completely viable however you muffed it up when you said that it was not a normal or justifiable act there are hundreds of animals in the world that engage in homosexual behavior. proving that it is a natural occurance. to answer your question the homosexuals would live just as long as any other person put on the island in a simalar situation. They cannot procreate but the people will live just as long. After reading this paragraph “If you would ponder that question you would see that homosexuals also feed off heterosexual humans, they are in effect parasites, they require the host to provide something for their survival: bodies that they can sodomize.” Im not going to waste my time reading the rest of your post. You hypocrite. You are a parasite of the earth just as the homosexuals are parasites of heterosexuals. Clearly you are as uninformed as sarah palin. please keep your oppinions off the media as to avoid your own embarasment. (to all others who are reading this please ignore my misspellings lack of grammer and punctuation)

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